Avengers Initiative v1.0.2 Full Game Android
- In the wake of The Pulse, The Vault, a top‐secret S.H.I.E.L.D.facility in the Rocky Mountains, has busted open, releasing all of the super‐powered criminals and monsters imprisoned there. Aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, Nick Fury recruits a reluctant HULK to round up all the monsters he can while S.H.I.E.L.D. can assemble the rest of THE AVENGERS to figure out who opened the doors to The Vault‐ and why.
Game Name : Avengers Initiative Full Data
Developer: Marvel Games
Current Version: 1.0.2
Update: November 21, 2012
Genre: Arcade & Action
Platform: Android 4.0 and up.
Cara Install:
Ekstrak hasil doenload kalian
Install APK file yang yang kalian download tadi
Copy Folder com.disney.avengers_goo dan taruh atau paste kedalam folder yang terletak di: sdcard/Android/obb/.
khusus buat android ya? buat PC nya ga ada?
ReplyDeleteKomeng balik ya di SHARE4RT oiya tolong di klik juga tombol G+ nya :)
sip sob, untuk buat PC saya cari2 dulu ya...
ReplyDeleteok sob lanjut ke TKP..